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The feeding system for the future of aquaculture
Seafarm Solutions have spend a lot of time and ressources during the recent years to develop a tool to simplify the feeding process in aquacultura and make it more environmentally sound.

Prevents plastic from leaking into nature (no microplastics)
Reduced levels of dust and crushed feed
Reduced energy consumption
Reduced CO2-emissions
No problems with fat spillage
Easy to mount on existing platforms
Prevents plastic leaking into nature
Using waterborne feeding dryfeed can be transported more efficiently and carefully compared to feeding systems using higly pressurized air.
The emissions from using air pressure arise from pellets being blown through the feeding tubes at high velocity, leading to wear and tear on the inside of the tubes, which again leads to microplastics being led into the ocean.
Environmental organisations believe the aquaculture sector has to implement new technology quickly. (read here). Our technology using waterborne feeding will eliminate this issue. The wear on the feeding tubes will be eliminated, as waterborne transportation is much gentler on both the dryfeed and tubes.
SeaFarm Solutions feeding technology reduces dust and crushing.
Reduced energyconsumption
SeaFarm Solutions feeding system needs a minimal amount of operating energy. It feeds 2-3 tonnes per hour per enclosure, with an energy consumption of 1,25 kW/h per enclosure. If this is compared to the energy consumption used in the aquaculture industry today, our system will give a reduced energy consumption for the facilities of about 95 %.
With todays renewable technology (wind/solar and battery packs) combined with SeaFarm Solutions' feeding facility, a feed-fleet can operate without a diesel generator and without receiving power from land.
No issues with dust/crushing and fat spillage
A common issue in feeding systems using air transport is that the coating around the pellet starts to deposit in tubes and pipes at high temperatures. This leads to an increased pressure and therefore an even higher temperature in the pipes.
This is not an issure for our waterborne feeding system as the temperature does not increase enough for these depsits to form, because the pellets are transported in seawater at about 1 m/sec.
Condensation in the pipes will also not be an issue as the feed is transported by seawater.
Integrated on new fleets
Seafarm Solutions can also be integrated on new fleets by screw- or tube conveyor system directly from silo to the waterfeedingmachine. This solution will give significant advantages in waterborne feeding.

Prevents plastic leaking into nature (no microplastics)
Reduced energy consumption - Total energy consumption 1,25 kW/h pr. line
Reduced CO2-emissions
No compressor
No noise
No fat spillage issues
No waterlocks - no dust / crushing
No wear and tear on the feeding tubes
Other categories
Installation on existing fleets
SeaFarm Solutions can easily mount a waterborne feeding system on existing facilities.

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