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The feed is developed to look like the fish' natural food as much as possible, which contains about 70-80 % freshwater. It is therefore necessary to add large quantities of water to the dryfeed.
SeaFarm Solutions AS has patented a dryfeed for fish in enclosures. Water is added to the feed at the edge of the enclosure, just before feeding and the feed is made specifically to ensure high stability in water after water is added. This makes the feed soft and ensures that it stays stabile, without dissolving in the water. Up to 60 % water and additives can be added to the pellets. The feed is especially well suited to RAS facilities.
Growth trout wetfeed (Trial - Fjordlaks, Stranda)
The video above shows the results from our trial in Stranda, done in collaboration with Biomar and Fjordlaks. Heightened appetite was observed in the fish that received the wetfeed compared with dryfeed, and the growth over the periode was significantly improved with wetfeed. After the wetfeed trial was ended the fish were put back on dryfeed and their growth and appetite reverted back to the levels of the fish that received dryfeed.
Read the report here

Pellets med og uten tilsetning

Våtfôr for villfanget torsk

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Picture 1; shows how the pellets look before and after adding water/additives. On top is the dryfeed without anything added. In the middle water and additives (carotenoid) has been added to the dryfeed, the additives being dissolved in the water. On the bottom only water has been added to the dryfeed. Picture 2; Wetfeed for trout. Picture 3; Codfeed; dry (left) and wet (right)
When water is added right before feeding, the feed keeps all the benefits of dryfeed, when it comes to storage and transportation.
A combination of specifically designed equipment and feed makes wetfeeding possible, simple and enviromentally sound.
The pellets used in aquaculture today are hard to ensure that they can be transported and blown out into the enclosures using strong air pressure. They are therefore not made to benefit the fish.
A number of trials with wetfeed has been made with different breeds of fish. All of them have shown good results for both growth and feed-factor.
Better digestion, better uptake of nutrition and increased well-being
Better fish health and lower mortality rate
Better growth
Higher quality of fish
No microplastic pollution
Less energy consumption in feeding
Better feed-factor
Possibility to add different additives to the feed, just before feeding
Reduced volume of functional feed
Increased storagestability of feed
Better total feeding-economy.
In addition to solving a basic need for the fish, the concept also enables - at the edge of the enclosure - the addition of other prescription content that can increase the degree of accuracy in feeding when it comes to temperature, oxygen, appetite, fish health etc.
This also applies to the addition of vitamins, energi(oils), coloring, functional feedadditives, prescriptions for oral vaccines.
The feed can be produced in the feedsuppliers existing extruderfacility / production lines.

Picture 1; Stomach of trout fed on wetfeed. Picture 2; Stomach of trout fed on regular dryfeed.
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